One Of These Days...

....I'm going to start a blog.

...I'm going to organize old pictures into albums.

...I'm going to learn not to feel guilty about enjoying the simple pleasures in life.

...I'm going to do nothing for the sake of doing nothing.

...I'm going to live in Provence, France.

...I'm going to learn not to stress about where life is taking me.

...I'm going to see my Jesus face to face!!
"Look at the nations and watch—and be utterly amazed!
For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe, even if you were told, " declares the LORD.
Habakkuk 1:5

Monday, November 14, 2011

Lists and Interruptions

First off...I know I've been gone a while.  Okay...a long while.  I am hoping and praying that my absence has made your heart grow fonder!  It is suppose to work that way, right?
So, we have moved, kids are in school, we love our house and Kentucky, David has a 9-5 job, and I'm still trying to figure out what I'm suppose to be doing.

I'll get back to you on that last item. 

In the meantime, I have been blessed to be a part of a Protestant Women of the Chapel Bible Study.  One of the sweet ladies asked me if I would write a devotion once every six weeks or so.  Me? Write? You want my thoughts? <gulp>

So here are my thoughts that went out today.  It is the second time I have shared my thoughts with the group.  It is the second time I became transparent to a group of strangers. (Guess it being the second time, meant it was okay to share again.) So I thought I would share it with friends. 

This season of Thanksgiving and Christmas throws me in a tizzy!!  So much to do, so much to accomplish, so many LISTS!  It really is a time I struggle with that passage in the Bible that deals with two sisters Mary and Martha.  I love those girls!! I am SO Martha, but I SO want to be Mary!! I wonder if Mary would have the gumption to help Martha out a little, grab her LIST and tear it into little pieces!! Martha would probably fly off the handle...I would.  But would Martha through it all, have the notion to sit down next to Mary, and take comfort in the Master's feet?
I'm praying that as you read the following words, many of you can understand and sympathize with me!  The demands of days yield sticky notes and scraps of paper with LISTS!  I often must remind myself to simply be grateful for paper, pens, the ability to write, and the very freedom to make the choice of what goes on that LIST. 

Lists and Interruptions
Luke 10:38-42
Mark 5:21-43
Lists.  I love them!  I have a list for just about everything.  Shopping lists, gift lists, a baking list, a daily “to-do” list, a list of lists! My list is typically made the night before my day begins and when I wake up, I can usually count on adding two or three more items to the list that came to me in the middle of the night. And with the holidays fast approaching, my lists are mounting!
Why do I make lists?  The most obvious reason is so that I do not forget to do something.  (Lately, I find myself making more lists the older I get and the less space I have for memory!) I also find that making lists yields the reward of crossing something off the list.  A sense of satisfaction and accomplishment floods over me as I line out and cross the task off the list.  I sometimes add an item that I have previously forgotten, just for the simple satisfaction of crossing through it!! (Crazy…I know!)  However, there is the opposite feeling of dread, disappointment, and even failure if my list remains un-crossed.  When my day and “to-do” list remains intact, it is often because I have had what I view as an interruption.  Sometimes these interruptions are unpleasant or annoying…extra messes to clean up, children home sick from school, extra errands to run, a certain item not found at the store.  Sometimes the interruptions are pleasant, but deviations from the list none the less…phone calls from friends, unexpected dinner guests, husbands home early from work. 
So when the interruptions occur, how do we view them? Are they welcome changes to the routine or irritations to the “to-do” list?  Lists and interruptions, did Jesus encounter either? Did He have a “to-do” list? Was He ever interrupted?
I have often wondered this.  As for lists, I don’t believe Jesus had to have a list to help Him remember what to do.  He was always about the Father’s business.  He always knew exactly what to do and when to do it.  His eyes were on the Father, the list would be accomplished.  There would be an exact time when the list would be crossed off.
As for interruptions, I believe that Jesus was perhaps often interrupted.  In Mark 5:21-43, several interruptions occur.  Jesus was merely trying to get out of a boat when a crowd gathered around Him and causes an interruption.   He was then interrupted by Jairus, who desperately needed Jesus to heal his sick daughter.  On the way to Jairus’ home, Jesus is interrupted by a woman who had been the subject of bleeding for twelve years. In the midst of her healing, once again, the Master is interrupted by a messenger from Jairus’ house stating that the daughter had indeed died.  He is interrupted by the crowd gathered outside of Jairus’ home as they wailed and mourned for the life of the young daughter. 
Yet Jesus continues on, doing the work of the Father, healing and fulfilling, despite the interruptions. In fact, I do not think Jesus ever saw the encounters with people as interruptions.  I think He saw them as appointments.  He never became irritated that He was detained.  He never became irritated that He couldn’t cross off an item on His “to-do” list.  His list was crossed off, literally, on the cross when He uttered the words, “It is finished.”
No more lists. No more interruptions. Only a Divine appointment fulfilled.
So as we go about making out lists of “to-do’s” or if our list is interrupted with life, let us look to Jesus for our example.  Put Him at the top of your list.  Spend time with Him first. Be prepared as you go about your day to view your interruptions as divine appointments.  After all, we serve the One who is the Author of all lists and the Conqueror of the Cross.
I hope that in my transparency, you can see my struggles of the Martha that I am, and the Mary I so struggle to be.  May I not hear the Lord say about me, "(vs 39)...she had a sister called Mary who sat at the Lord's feet listening to what He said. (vs.40) But Stefi was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made."  Instead, I pray that I sit at the Lords feet, listening to what He says, and I hear, "(vs.41)...Stefi has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her."

I am praying that each of you allow yourself to lay down the list and fully enjoy the interruption of your day that is Jesus.  He has set aside a Divine Appointment just for you!!

I have lots more to write and fill you in on, but I wanted to make sure you knew that I was still here!! 

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Endings, Beginnings,....the Journey

As we round out the school year, I am faced with endings.  

We have a lot of endings happening in our house right now.  The girls are ending school and test taking is immediately upon us.  Ashlyn's Sophomore year and Addi's 4th grade year are coming to an end. Our stay in this home comes to an end in June.  David's present job is nearing its ending...that event occurs in July.  Our stay in the wonderful state of Georgia will also be ending in July.  
A lot of endings.  

However, in an odd sort of way, the endings rush in a beginning. As we say "farewell" to 4th and 10th grade, we say "greetings" to 5th and 11th grade.  As we pack up our belongings and bid this house and Georgia "adieu" we say "hello" to Kentucky and the new experience of "on-post" living.  As David says, "off the net" to his Battalion, he will say "good morning" to an office full of more "civilians" than "green suiters."  

The endings really become mile markers...something that has been accomplished, yet something we are passing by.  It seems as though just as the anxiety is building up toward the ending, you blink, it passes, and another event of life and in life begins.
So a proverbial question....which is it?  Is it an ending or a beginning?  
Surely we are to mark the events in our lives.  Surely they are accomplishments in some form or fashion. 
Is there relief that is brought on by the ending? 
An exhale...

Or is more anxiety and excitement marked by the ending because it rushes in a new beginning?  
Take a deep breath...

Some may say it is determined by the actual ending or beginning.  But is it really? 
Should all endings and beginnings be viewed equally?  

I know there are defining moments in our lives that we all have along this road we trod. Standing Stones, the Israelites called them. Markers in the road of life that we can look upon, reflect, learn, and teach.  God actually commanded the Israelites to erect these Standing Stones so that they could look back upon them and say, "Ah yes! That was accomplished ~by the Mighty hand of GOD and for His kingdom!"

Yet, as they stood on the banks of the Jordan River at flood stage, did the rush of their anxiety match the raging river before them? Did they comprehend the "beginning" that was soon to be upon them?  There are times we stand on the very edge of our own Jordan River, almost paralyzed by the next step, because it in fact, marks a new beginning.  And that beginning brings about a moment of shear terror of what the FOLLOWING moments may bring. There really is no fear in taking that STEP of faith of a new beginning.  The fear is not in the STEP.  The fear lies in our question of what FOUNDATION will it land upon.

So how to approach life?

As one marked with endings...
As one marked with beginnings....
As one marked as a journey....

The Israelites did not stop at the Jordan River.  They may have camped and contemplated for a while, but eventually, the priests dipped a big toe into that raging river and GOD performed a miracle right before their eyes ~ through them ~ for His Glory and Kingdom purposes.  Nor did they hang out with their Standing Stones once the river was forged.  In fact, they moved on, leaving the stones erect for all to come upon and exclaim, "God did a great and wonderous thing here through His people and for His Glory!" 

The journey continued...

Someone once said, your life is not marked by your beginning birth certificate or your ending death certificate, but how you lived the ~ dash ~ in between.  I hope I'm living my life relishing the endings and anticipating the beginnings all in a bold, italicized, and an underlined 

~ dash ~

Jesus replied, "No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God" Luke 9:62

The list continues...

188. Grace ~All is ~ Grace
189. Spring Break
190. Early morning car rides
191. Sleeping children in cars
192. Car trips that yield conversations between husband and wife
193. Cracker Barrel restaurants
194. Coffee!!
195. The sound of...screws in tires (yes, heard before tire blows out) Thankful we were at a slow speed!
196. Walmart tire repair center
197.  Playing in the toy department of Walmart~entertaining my teenagers and small child for 2 hours!
198.  Thor Helmets!
199.  Noodle Wars!
200.  Ugly noise-making stuffed animals!
201.  Laughter!
202.  Fixed tires
203.  Beautiful landscapes
204.  FLARP!
205.  Grumpiness turned to happiness all because of silliness
206.  Cozy cabins
207.  Restful nights
208.  Seeing friends again that never leave the heart
209.  Talking at 100mph, understanding every word, trying to make the most of every moment of very limited time
210.  Annapolis, MD
211.  Water~eases the mind, peace to the soul, calms the heart
212.  Sailboats
213.  Quaint towns, so much history-not all of it pretty
214.  U.S. Naval Academy
215.  Steak dinners and yummy breakfasts!
216.  Granma Stolz!
217.  Arlington National Cemetery
218.  The honor bestowed to fallen comrades
219.  The changing of the guard and the wreath laying ceremony~ such small humble acknowledgments for those who humbly and sacrificially gave all
220.  The true price of freedom
221.  The playing of taps
222.  Cherry Blossoms
224.  Humble graves
225.  Beauty in a solemn place
226.  Twenty-one gun salute
227.  Children who understand the cost of freedom
228.  Children from lands afar who merrily skip along paths, oblivious to those around~oblivious that they can~ all because of freedom
229.  Pappy and Grand Bay
230.  Addi completing her family by seeing her grandparents and seeing that importance through her eyes
231.  Hearts shared
232.  Grocery stores that are plentiful
233.  Ping Pong!
234.  Kite flying
235.  Putt-Putt
236.  A competitive spirit
237.  As hard as it is to be grateful when bad news is delivered, thankfulness to a husband who dutifully serves his country
238. Words from a teenager that remind the heart and mind and usher in perspective
239.  The comment of perspective ~ "He is a soldier.  And soldiering is 24/7/365. He is always on call for his country."
240.  Making the most of difficult situations
241.  Hotels that offer dinner and breakfast for a low price
242.  Playing a board game instead of watching tv
243.  Waiting for daddy ~ thankful we can!
244.  Children who will read while waiting
245.  Crossword puzzles
246.  The road that leads home
247.  Commitments of teenagers when they are stuck between a rock and a hard place
248.  Two teens who will put up 55+ signs all over a town for a lost dog that is not their own
249.  Sleep
250.  Playing a board game with family because it is what they would rather do than anything else.  
251.  Recognizing that they are "choosing" to spend time with you and "initiating" the time
252.  Reading the Facebook status of your daughter that claims, "Best Spring Break ever because I got to spend it with people I love!"
253.  Beautiful girls preparing for Prom
254.  Pretty jewelry that makes a girl's eyes sparkle because she is the recipient of the gift
255.  Manicures and Pedicures for a special event
256.  Daddy's who enjoy the above mentioned treatments in a chair right next to the daughter
257.  Boyfriends who decline above mentioned treatment
258.  Time with the boyfriend to chat about life and history and bow ties that don't fit
259.  Flowers for special occasions
260.  "Doing Hair"-my favorite activity that I seldom get the opportunity to share
261.  Having the privilege and honor to style Ashlyn's hair ~ such an intimate time of trust
262.  Beautiful dress ~ even more beautiful daughter!
263.  Daughter who "Wows" her boyfriend and brings tears to her father's eyes
264.  A proud daddy who can't stop taking pictures of His Girl!
265.  Sisters who bring handkerchiefs to tuxedos to the rescue
266.  The folding of the handkerchief by a daddy for the boyfriend
267.  Little girls learning
268.  Exceptionally wonderful spring days
269.  Being able to celebrate Mother's Day
269.  Daughters~ one born of me, one born in my heart
270.  Yellow Goldfinches-brilliant gold
271.  Realizing that anxiety is no longer a menace when my husband travels-this is HUGE!
272.  Discovering and enjoying CHILL frozen yogurt
273.  Buffalo Wild Wings! I love spending time here with my family!
274.  The song of a purple martin
275.  Laughter with my oldest
276.  The thoughts and comments from my youngest
277.  The question, "What is God's favorite number?"
278,  The answers, "Oh yeah-Three-because of the Trinity" and God's possible answer from a certain young girl, "Hush child! Just praise ME!"
279.  Chocolate Mocha Brownie Cookies- Gluten Free
280.  The beginning of EOCT's-the ending of stress
281.  Tender hearts of teenagers rescuing baby birds and bunny rabbits from "her" cat
282.  The first hummingbird
283.  The goldfinch now dressed in neon yellow
284.  Test prep booklets that help alleviate test jitters
285.  Quiet mornings
286.  Crisp air
287.  Bird melodies that serenade as I take out the trash
288.  Count down to summers
289.  Shopping trips with oldest daughter
290.  The feeling of accomplishment when a job is well done
291.  "The smallest task well done, brings in a moment of more satisfaction than failure knows in a lifetime."-Eileen Gray
292.  Organizing
293.  Cleaning
294.  Stuff is just stuff and I need less of it
295.  Creating memories is the best gift one can give
296.  Booking a Christmas, Birthday, New Years cruise with family
297.  Dancing sunlight
298.  Billowing clouds
299.  Color
300.  Safety in a storm
301.  Casting my burdens/fears upon the LORD and knowing that He will catch them
302.  Long conversations with a dear friend
303.  Little girls who love to learn and who are graced with intelligent minds
304.  Exhaling
305.  AWANA Awards Night
306.  Date night with my husband
307.  Exceptional meal, exceptional service, exceptional company with the man I love
308.  The gift of being one
309.  Enjoying the same interests with my soul mate
310.  Rainy nights
311.  Sleeping in Saturdays
312.  Last days of school
313.  Testing the minds of children
314.  Seeing results
315.  The end product of cleaning
316.  Miracle sponges that performs miracles
317.  Reminders from Addi-"Hush child! Just praise Me!'
318.  Letting go of worry- or attempting to do so
319.  Peace in the moment
320.  Once again, GRACE ~ All is Grace!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Tapestry

      Recently, a dear friend of mine gave me the opportunity to share something that has been rolling around in my head and heavy upon my heart.  She and I have been friends for a V-E-R-Y long time...such a treasure it is that we have in this friendship of ours!  The friendship has span many milestones such as college, football games, marriages, the Air Force and the Army, camping trips, babies, deployments, states, countries, and continents.  Our hearts are entwined by the wonder of Facebook, the pages of our blogs, a life changing book, and most importantly, the Grace of God.  When I recently shared this note with her, I knew that it was not just for her.  It was for many of you.  Ultimately, though, God used this note to speak to me.  Amazingly, as I typed the words, I could hear the LORD speaking to me.  My fingers flew across the keyboard, not only for my friend and for some of you, but for my heart as well.  My sweet friend has granted me permission to re-post this very personal note I shared with her.  Oh, how it has ministered to my anxious heart!  The heart that knits and weaves and embellishes the fabric that is my life.    

       When David was in full contemplation about retiring, I know that I heard God.  I had such a sense of peace about the unknowns.  I was at peace about being jobless, homeless, "pointless" in a way, (meaning not on "point", or in any one direction.)  I was SOOOOO okay with all of that.  There were so many things that were confirmation for me....Confirmation of Scripture that would appear in devotionals; Counsel of Others - strangers and friends saying things that pointed us in the direction of retirement; Circumstances - things were lining up perfectly for a retirement date of November, but we would be "out" by August ~ just in time for school; and Conviction of my Heart - I knew this was the decision because I felt as though God had whispered words to my very heart.  

     I have used the above "4 C's" in all big decisions ever since it was first taught to me years ago in Germany. I can only think of one other time when my "4 C's" lined up for something and it did not come to pass.  All other times the "4 C's" have not led me astray. (and the time it did not come to pass ~ I still question as to why?)  Ultimately, when the "4 C's" do not work toward the goal you thought you were being led towards, you stand there dumbfounded, confused, and reeling in emotion .  The logical does not match up to the illogical.  You wonder what people are thinking and are left exclaiming, "How could this be?"   In my case, a tantrum followed.  Not pretty ~ kicking, screaming, crying, yelling. Ugly.

     I think when we are left in these moments of uncertainty, we just have to cling.  Cling to the Goodness of God.  Cling to Father knows best.  Cling to the Infinite Mind, the All-Knowing Heart.  Cling. Grip tightly. Hold fast.  It is in the clinging that we trust....or we are at the very least, learning to trust through the clinging.

     In Ann Voskamp's book, One Thousand Gifts, there were so many great things that spoke to my heart.  A few things though, stood out to me and they have to do with seeing God.  The first, is the understanding on a heart level, that "only in darkness can we truly see The Light"  Sweet sister,  I know it feels dark, but you've got a Night Light!!

     The other thing that I remember from the book was her notion that when we are in darkness, it is  merely the Glory of God that is passing us being hidden in the cleft of the rock.  If we saw the Magnificence of God at this point, we would perish.  He is covering you with His mighty hand as He passes by and shields you.  Have you ever thought about that?  Remember the prophet of God's the cleft of a rock?  God puts His hand over the opening.  Why?  For Elijah's safety.  But wait a minute....Elijah is His favorite!!  Don't you wonder if God showed great restraint as He passed by that cleft?  Don't you wonder if He didn't just want to take a small peek into that crevice and say,  "Heeeeellllllllooooo, my son!! I love you so!"   I think it would be like asking a little girl not to play with a kitten or asking a little boy not play with sticks and rocks!! The love, care, and concern far outweighed the temptation to want to see His beloved Elijah! Oh the deep, deep love of God!!

     The last thing that I carry with me from that book (believe me, I carry so much...quite possibly the best book I have EVER read!!) is the notion of the Tapestry.  Do you remember this?  I have put my own "Stefiness" on it, but it has truly helped me in dealing with this whole retirement situation.

     So the Tapestry....mine hangs above my head. It has been painted, woven, embellished as I go through life...adding my own touches as I see fit.  How I love to work on the Tapestry, creating it just so!  A work of art, I'm quite sure!  My accomplishments are there: my home, my children, my husband, my friends, my degrees, my religion, my activities, my heart.
    But wait!  What is that!?!?  A small tear?  Here, let me mend it.  

    There.     Much better.       Wait.       Is that another piece unraveling?
Where's my gold thread?  That will be fixed in a jiffy!   I'll add some tassels while I'm at it.  Ohhh....and some sparkely rhinestones will deflect attention away from that flaw.  

     But wait a minute.....what is that?     A GAPING HOLE!?!?!  Right in the middle of my Tapestry!!!! Surely that is a mistake!!! How will I ever mend that? My Tapestry is ruined!! I can't fix the beauty!!  The pieces are falling apart, flapping in the wind!!  I can see sky behind the whipping pieces!!  I'm not strong enough to bring the pieces back together again for mending!! I'm struggling just to hold it together!!!!

                                                                    Beyond.   Yes....beyond.
There is Something beyond my Tapestry.
                           And if I look there, beyond....
                                                                    I can see.......


     He was there all along.  In the Beyond.  My beautiful Tapestry that He allowed me to create somehow shielded His Glory.  He loves me so that He allowed the gaping hole to form so that I would look through to Him.  I would see Him.  I would see Beyond.

     So sweet sister, look.  Look Beyond.  I know it's hard.  It's even harder to struggle with those Tapestry pieces that are flapping in the wind.  Enjoy the view of Beyond.  In due time, God in His glorious love for you will help you stitch the Tapestry back together.  He knows how important it is to you.  He may even provide you with some new thread or fancy rhinestones!!
Just remember, when there is a hole in our Tapestry, it is really a
"Seeing through to God Place."  (That last part is from Ann's book and is truly what made the Tapestry scenario come alive in my mind and heart!)

     Keep looking.  
                   Keep Searching.  

                                    He's waiting for you. 

                                                                   Just Beyond!

The list continues...

137.  Grace ~ All is Grace!
138.  Spring's first iris ~ and purple just for me!
139.  lemon-lime sparkling water ~ refreshing!
140.  refusing guilt
141.  learning to say "good-bye" to two of my closest companions ~ Approval Addict and People Pleaser
142.  In tears, a sister who is every sense and being of the word, minus the blood relation and DNA genetics that "this world" requires of the definition AND the true love that makes us family.
143.  Brilliant red of new oak leaves
144.  Beautiful pinks and purples of "tulip trees"
145.  Using fewer words to say much
146.  The smell of fresh cut grass
147.  How He Loves
148.  If GRACE is an ocean, we're all sinking
149.  Magnificently blue skies
150.  The faint, sweet smell of a holly bush in bloom
151.  Busy bees
152.  The lure of songbirds calling me to the forrest's edge
153.  The discovery of a single bird that sounds like an entire orchestra
154.  Pausing to hear!
155.  The warmth of a spring day
156.  The faint pink blossoms of a flowering cherry tree
157.  The exclamation of the Young One through bursts of intense laughter, "Mom, stop being so silly!! You are stinging my cheeks!"
158.  Sweet tea
159.  Family golf days
160.  Driving a golf cart~ especially through a mud puddle with a little girl laughing hysterically!
161.  Fog settling over a stream at dusk
162.  Big, bright moon on a clear, crisp evening
163.  Wisteria Everywhere!! Fragrant, royal, invasive!  Beauty that be like a wisteria vine!
164.  A white lily growing wild in an obscure location...none the less growing
165.  Discovering new settings on a camera
166.  Taking pictures ~ slowing down to really examine
167.  Looking at things from a different perspective
168.  The rustle of pampas grass blowing in the breeze
169.  Be STILL and  KNOW that I AM GOD
170.  Katy Dog!~ loyalty, companionship
171.  Doctor's appointments to find answers
172.  Being honored and able to pray specifically for a friend's son
173.  Husbands who care by being there
174.  Golf matches - even when they are cold
175.  Reconnecting with family
176.  Sunshine abundant!
177.  Children who learn willingly
178.  Little girls discovering the magic of "The Secret Garden"
179.  Sleeping in
180.  Lightbulb moments in learning
181.  Ten minutes of peace
182.  Cheese quesadillas
183.  Cleo kitty snugged up in a green fluffy blanket
184.  Flowers in a vase ~ beauty filling emptieness
185.  Husbands who show daughters that sometimes ugly behavior can be forgiven through God's grace, beauty, and flowers.
186.  Apologies
187.  Forgiveness ~ granted, received, unmerited
188.  Grace ~ All is grace

Monday, March 14, 2011

One Thousand Gifts

     Recently, I referenced that a friend had sent me some much needed relief in the form of a book.  That book, One Thousand Gifts ~ A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are by Ann Voskamp, is quite possibly the best book I have ever read.  I can not recommend it highly enough.  It is heart challenging and mind challenging.  It is soul challenging.  And yet, soul refreshing at the same time.  I can say that I have read the book, but I can not say that I am finished with the book.  It is a book that has continuously lured me back to its pages for another glance, another thought, another challenge.

     The heart of the book could be looked at quite simply as a mere challenge...can you name one thousand blessings, or gifts, in your life.  But to say that is the crux of the book is in fact, doing the book a disservice.  Looking for the gifts is the top layer of an ice cream sundae...the mere candy sprinkles of what God has in store for those who seek the gifts.
There is so much more and at the heart of the challenge,
the sweet taste of the ice cream itself, is 

     Eucharisteo...the Greek word that translates to Thanksgiving.  But inside that word are two more words...Charis which translates to Grace, and Chara which translates to Joy.  To me, being thankful for Grace brings an abundance of joy.  Ann Voskamp eloquently writes, "Eucharisteo always precedes the miracle."  When we have the mindset and the heart to look at life through the eyes of eucharisteo, we begin to see life as the miracle that it truly is.

     For me, this is but the beginning of what I have learned and continue to seek.  I am a work in progress and this work has taken a new form recently.  I have been more mindful and heartful of the gifts that are put in my path to discover, simply because I am loved by the God of the Universe.  That last statement is one gift that I am still trying to unwrap.  That He would care enough about me, to give... 
I have to pause there.   
I have only untied the bow.

     In the meantime, I did accept the challenge.  I began to look and list my One Thousand Gifts.  I have a journal that is with me and the pencil has been busy.  Funny though....I know I have missed many of the gifts the Giver has intended for me. 
I am unaware.  
Still I seek.

      So below, I humbly and cautiously, share my list.  Since the gifts are personal, I am becoming vulnerable here.  The list is just the beginning and I will add to my list in other entries as I go.  They are but a mere glimpse of the gifts that I taken the time to record.   Can you ever really record all the Gifts given by the Giver?  He gives lavishly, abundantly, mercilessly, gracefully.

  For ALL is Grace.

     All is Grace.  That has been the biggest gift that I have received.  Everything is Grace...this life I live, this husband I love, these children I raise, these friends I touch, this breath I take....All is Grace.

Eucharisteo...Thanksgiving yields Grace yields Joy

1.    Grace
2.    Relief
3.    Breath of life
4.    Pausing to breathe
5.    Vacuum cleaners that drown out the world, but allow the heart to reflect
6.    tongues on children that stick out in concentration and thought
7.    smells of freshness that calm the soul
8.    husbands that come home early and are proud that they have
9.    a car to pick up a daughter when practice is canceled.
10.  a recipe written in a friend's pen that fills the stomach, heart, and mind
11.  white chicken chili ~ the smells of onion, garlic, and cumin
12   music that calms the spirit and engages the mind
13.  a child engrossed in a book ~ sailing to magical lands filled with pirates, fairies, and mischievious  little boys
14.  having a child who gives reason to celebrate Chinese New Year by eating noodles and making baozi buns
15.  making silly faces, receiving the joy of laughter
16.  dancing to silly songs
17.  husbands who pickup groceries on their way home from work.
18.  homeschooling with happy attitudes
19.  playing the Wii Star Wars Lego game and having no clue as to what I am doing (but having fun none the less)
20. Toothpaste!
21.  little girls in fleece footie pajamas
22.  daughters who are obedient, respectful, and loving enough to text when they get to boyfriends house to let you know they are safe.
23. curling up in bed with a book, a dog, and a daughter
24.  a chickadee taking shelter from a storm on a wildly swinging bird feeder
25.  frost that appears as diamonds, glittering on surfaces in the morning light
26.  strong husband arms that cradle and allow tears to fall when no reason can be found
27.  the ability to relate to "Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No-Good, Very Bad Day!"
28.  the smile of a child you have encouraged with words
29.  understanding on a heart level that "Only in darkness can we truly see The Light"
30.  a red-tailed hawk sitting high in a tree, plumage of splendor aglow in the morning sun
31.  pot of beans simmering on the stove top
32.  an opportunity "out of left field" that brings a calm to the heart
33.  a friend of 11 years who is still in your heart, even though the distance of has separated, but never the heart
34.  The friendship of Army wives!
35.  a stranger calling a stranger via a mutual friend to give aid, extend grace, provide information, and share her heart
36.  the network of women!
37.  our miseries that God hears as melodies
38.  beautiful, the mess we are
39.  honest cries of breaking hearts
40.  new spring grass coming forth in vibrant green
41.  glimmers of sunshine on pampas grass stalks on a cold, rainy, gloomy day
42.  wanting to SEE ~ truly SEE God in everything
43.  thinking back to hearing God say to my spirit, "You are doing it again!  You are trying to control! Let me be in control! Thank me for the opportunity first!  THANK ME!"
44. mercies new every morning
45. bird melodies
46. learning a new word "spaghettification" and using it unmercifully with my teenage daughter
47. sunny days, blue skies
48. field trips- learning about black holes and space and thinking that God is even bigger that all of this, yet He knows exactly where I am
49.  Warm Springs, Georgia
50.  Franklin Delano Roosevelt
51.  The cure for polio and a President committed to ensuring that people with disabilities lead/live healthy and full lives
52.  birdwatching
53.  kind park rangers who enjoy their job and want to make sure they spread joy and wonder to children (and adults)
54.  family hiking trips
55. the activity of letterboxing
56.  the crunching of leaves
57.  signs of spring
58.  seeking
59.  discovering
60.  the thrill of the hunt
61.  cameras that capture memories
62.  going off the beaten path
63.  black and white settings on a point and shoot camera
64.  sunlight
65.  shadows
66.  picnics
67.  revealing childhood moments of ignorance and stupidity to my children and laughing at myself (jawbreakers, tight places, staples)
68.  through above laughter, opening lines of communication and showing my children that they can survive embarrassing moments - and teach from them 
70.  seeking THE TREASURE!
71.  chats with yoga instructors about gifts, moments, and life
72.  long walks in God's creation
73.  People who preserve land in order for others to enjoy 
74.  yoga classes- discovering the ways my body was created by God to move, twist, flow
75.  little girls singing at the top of their lungs over the noise of a hairdryer!
76.  in~laws and the blessing of a very special relationship, oh what incredible voids they fill, thank you God one thousand times for them alone!
77.  This quote, "The whole of life-even the hard-is made up of the minute parts; and if I miss the infinitesimals, I miss the whole!"
78.  And this one, "Slapping a sloppy brush of thanksgiving over everything in my life leaves me deeply thankful for very few things in my life!"
79.  One more, "When I give thanks for the seemingly microscopic (like Mary's soul magnifying the LORD at the Divine Conception~Luke 1:46), I make a place for God to grow in me!"
80.  the reminder that I need the Voice that asks, "What do you see of Me here, love?"
81.  A verse repeated by several, think I should make it mine ~ Isaiah 26:3  "You will keep her in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because she trusts in You!"
82.  Wrestling with The Moment and trying to stay/appreciate The Moment that currently is
83.  Purple crocus on fields of new spring green reaching heavenward for but the Glory of God ~ revealing the Treasure of their purpose!
84.  Giving thanks slows me down.  Thanks slows time down.
85.  Spring air, crisp, filled with song
86.  chapel organs resonating on a lake
87.  the beauty of spring that pushes out the dead empty decay
88.  color
89.  evening sun
90.  birds taking flight
91.  the report of hard work rewarded
92.  conversations that leave a foundation upon which to build love
93.  books bought for a friend that spark conversations upon which such foundations will be built
94.  reports of health easily received for the asking
95.  concerned husbands that willingly run errands
96.  weather that begs a daughter to play golf and she obliges
97.  books
98.  happy, smiling faces of daughters engrossed in a book
99.  pencil and paper.
100.  husbands who fear God and love boldly
101.  new pot holders
102.  new recipes
103.  laughter that bubbles from the depths of a little girl's tummy ~ all over a silly word
104.  the silly word, "patootie"
105.  appetites and palates of girls who will try new foods
106.  scallops and spinach and grapefruit
107.  alternatives to wheat
108.  quinoa
109.  crazy cats that are frisky during coming storms
110.  the weather channel
111.  cats that knead and paw at laps until they find just the right spot
112.  afternoon naps on blustery days
113.  turning leftovers into "al forno"
114.  melted cheese makes everything better
115.  banana splits for breakfast
116.  the ending of a book, the beginning of a journey
117.  "every breath is a battle between grudgery and gratitude and we must keep thanks on the lips so we can sip from the holy grail of Joy!"
118.   phone calls from traveling husbands that say, "I made it, but I miss you!"
119.  storm clouds rolling
120.  shades of gray
121.   pretty girls + Pretty dress =a daughter who has become a young woman
122.  handsome young men in JROTC uniforms
123.  time-sometimes passing far too quickly
124.  good nights sleep
125.  ice cream for dinner!
126.  having a sister in Christ that would rush out and buy 1,000 Gifts on my recommendation and having an intimate enough relationship with her that we will be able to share Eucharisteo together
127.  praying for an unknown friend of my friend and knowing God hears and honors those prayers
128.  a conscientious daughter who not only keeps curfews, but keeps in contact about her evening.
129.  unexpected hugs from my oldest daughter - I cherish these and will NEVER get enough of them!
130.  AWANA Grand Prix race
131.  children racing blocks wood down a track and the joy it brings
132.  the winning design ~ the toothpaste car!  The winning smile coming home to this household!
133.  praising God through a tube of toothpaste and 5oz. of weight
134.  petting a cat in just the right spot and hearing the purr of satisfaction
135.  birds singing sweet melodies awakening the dawn
136.  too common is the sin of forgetting that the Holy Spirit lives within us.  It is the highest form of ingratitude ~ like slapping Grace in the face!
137.  Grace ~ ALL is GRACE!
...The list continues...