One Of These Days...

....I'm going to start a blog.

...I'm going to organize old pictures into albums.

...I'm going to learn not to feel guilty about enjoying the simple pleasures in life.

...I'm going to do nothing for the sake of doing nothing.

...I'm going to live in Provence, France.

...I'm going to learn not to stress about where life is taking me.

...I'm going to see my Jesus face to face!!
"Look at the nations and watch—and be utterly amazed!
For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe, even if you were told, " declares the LORD.
Habakkuk 1:5

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Treasure Hunt

      Many years ago, when Ashlyn was in Fourth Grade and we were living at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, our family engaged in a pastime known as Letterboxing.  As Winter has given leave and Spring has begun to spread her wings here in south Georgia, we decided to revisit that exciting adventure, this time introducing the young explorer, Addilyn, to the great hunt and thrill of this family event.
     Letterboxing is much like treasure hunting.  It is a simple, inexpensive way to engage all members of the family in a quest and get everyone outdoors and into the midst of God's Creation.  Like all good quests and treasure hunts, a treasure has been hidden and the seekers must locate the hiding place.  Unlike Geocaching, you do not need a GPS.  You simply find the clues on the internet at a maintained site.  Then the search begins.  Each letterbox that is hidden is filled with a simple hand carved stamp and a log book.

The seekers must follow directions and riddles to unlock the mystery location of the letterbox.

Carefully looking in every crack and crevice. Under rocks and leaves. Beyond the obvious.
Digging deep.

Until Discovery!! 
Joy for the Seeker!! Praise to the Hider!!

The box is found and the stamping begins!! One for the Seeker's own log book that proclaims victory!! And one for the Hider's logbook that announces trespassing and allows the Seeker to leave her mark!!

Now, carefully replace the contents, ever so carefully.  Exactly as before, so that the next quest hunter will find the Treasure.  It is now that I am part of the thrill of the hunt.
 So when recently we located the clues and set off into the woods at a local state park, I started to reflect about the Treasure that has been hidden for us to discover.  We are all on our "letterboxing" adventure.  We seek to find our way through life following directions and answering riddles. 

     We have to first yearn and come to a knowledge that there is A Treasure to seek.  Someone introduces us or something deep inside us longs for The Treasure and we begin seeking, desiring to know more.  We wrestle with directions, terminology, a compass.

 Yet, something in us desires to keep searching, keep questing, keep seeking.  Obstacles stand in our way, landmarks fade, erode.  But the desire for The Treasure still stands.

We re-read clues, go back and pace off our footsteps once again, scan the surroundings, and ponder.  We think and re-think. And we dig.

And there hidden, amongst the rotting stumps, the fallen leaves, the piles of rocks...

      THE TREASURE!!!!

How long has it been since it was last discovered? Who was the last Thrill Seeker? Who will be the next? 


      I have pondered the origins of Letterboxing.  I stand amazed that there is a North American Letterboxing Association and that they maintain a website (  I am amazed that there are boxes hidden all over North America.  I am amazed that the boxes are maintained and cared for by those who find them.  I am in in awe, however, beyond amazement, that first and foremost, people have hidden a treasure simply for the pure joy, satisfaction, and enjoyment of someone else. Simply for someone else to seek and be amazed.



It costs the seeker nothing but the quest.  It costs the "Hider" time, dedication, sacrifice, and above all, a desire to be sought after ~ a desire to be found.  Ultimately, the "Hider" sets forth the Treasure, not for himself, but for the joy of others, for the pure pleasure of the Seeker.
In all of this treasure hunting, I wonder if there is a parallel the THE Treasure ~ 
Is there a parallel to God?  
Is He SEEKING me so that I will SEEK Him?

          Has he invited me on the Hunt of His heart? Does He simply desire to be found...all for my joy?  In the everyday moments of life, do I look for His Directions? Do I follow His instructions? 
Do I use that Compass~ His Word~ to unravel the riddles of this life? 

Do I count off paces, retrace steps, and look for Him in my horizons?  Do I search the terrain and the heavens for a glimpse of His glory?
Do I dig?

  He is the TREASURE that I seek in the everything of life.  He has hidden Himself in it ALL!! And all for the pleasure of the Seeker! All for the joy of the one who finds!

"So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you,  SEEK and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you."  ~ Luke 11:9

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